Gusakova Elena,Romanova Elena
The preparation and implementation of a real estate development project requires the adoption of a large number of diverse management decisions. For the preparation of decisions often attract experts. The opinions of many experts sometimes do not agree with each other and even are mutually exclusive. For their analysis using computer-based decision support systems (DSS). The article provides an analysis of several DSS, their applicability for the preparation of the project of real estate development. The results of the comparative experiment are also presented - the advantages and disadvantages of direct and indirect discussion of the project. It is revealed that the mediated written discussion with the use of information and communication technologies has advantages over direct discussion. It has been established that the quality of the discussion improves when there is a specially trained moderator who controls the process. Analysis of the features of the implementation of real estate development projects showed that there are no group decision support systems on the software market that can meet all the requirements necessary for the effective preparation and implementation of a real estate development project.
Reference22 articles.
1. Gusakova E.A. Organizational and technological genesis as a tool for strategic planning of large-scale real estate development projects, Business Technologies 2018 “MATEC Web of Conferences, 6 (2018)
2. Gusakova E.A., Romanova E.V. Real estate project management: models of interaction of participants, / International scientific and technical magazine “Real Estate: Economics, Management”. Moscow, MGSU, 4, (2018)
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2 articles.