Putri Ratih Fitria,Wibirama Sunu,Giyarsih Sri Rum,Pradana Aditya,Kusmiati Yanti
Rapid landuse change in an urban area is inevitable. Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia is experiencing rapid landuse change. Jakarta is the centre of administration, economic activities, and entertainment pull people coming in to Jakarta. The dynamics of demography in Jakarta influences landuse change strongly. This research use three districts in Jakarta to see how landuse change over period of time. They are Penjaringan, Cengkareng, and Cakungsubdistrict. By combining landuse data, demographic features, and spatial data, such as satellite imagery, landuse change can be monitored and explained. The most significant landuse changes are industrial area and settlements. Both landuses are expanding. Meanwhile open spaces are decresing in size. This happens due to high demand of settlements caused by migrants coming in to work in industrial are. The result of this phenomenon is slum area in the city and lack of opened green spaces that can degrade environmental quality.
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16 articles.