Istiqomah P.,Pramono W. T.
Based on data from the Central Agency on Statistics, every year Indonesia experiences population growth every year. Along with increasing growth, land has an important meaning for human survival. Arguably, the space provided is very limited, meanwhile the need for land has a tendency to increase from year to year, both for housing, agriculture, industry and so on. Addressing the increasing need for land with land that does not increase Land use conversion or commonly called land conversion is a solution to cover land needs. One of the activities that cannot be separated from the land is development. Development is a form of interaction between humans and nature. Therefore, in the implementation of development, it is necessary to consider environmental impacts that may have negative consequences. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the impact of population density on the distribution of land use change in Kartasura district in 2010 and 2018. Remote sensing image digitization to obtain land use in Kartasura district in 2011 and 2021 is then overlayed to obtain land use change results. The results show that based on the data in the table, it shows that the rate of population growth that occurred in the Kartasura district in the past 10 years has experienced significant population growth, many of the several villages in the Kartasura district have increased. Population growth data explains that there are 12 villages that have experienced an increase in population. The total population in Kartasura district in 2011 was 23,061 people and in a period of ten years the total population. The village that has the largest population density is Makamhaji, followed by Gumpang while the lowest population density is Ngemplak.
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