1. Abas N., Aziz M. H., Ahmad A. H., Rahman M. A., and Islam M. R., 2021 IEEE 6th International Con on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA), (2021). 2.
2. Shah S. A., Jantti R. J., and Walraven J. C., 2021 IEEE International Con on Sustainable Energy Technologies (ICSET), (2021).
3. Truong N. N., Nguyen V. D., Hoang V. T., and Nguyen D. D., 2021 IEEE 12th International Con on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation (ISMS), (2021).
4. Zhao J. T., Huang M. J., and Chen M. F., 2021 IEEE 5th International Con on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR), (2021).
5. Alnaimi H. M., Al-Rizzo H. A., and Al-Rizzo R.K., 2021 IEEE 4th International Con on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications (AIMLA), (2021).