Characteristics of particleboard manufactured from bamboo shoot sheaths


Srichan Surat,Raongjant Werasak


This study emphasizes on the physical, mechanical, and thermal properties of single-layer particleboard manufactured from bamboo shoot sheaths. Particleboards were produced through the hot-pressed process and glued together by Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate (MDI) adhesive. This is in order for producing specified densities of boards as 400-kg, 600-kg, and 800-kg per m3. The raw material was sieved into four sizes: No.1-No.4 mesh. The particleboards were used to find board density, water absorption, thickness swelling, modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture in bending, and internal bonding according to the JIS standard. Coefficients of thermal conductivity (k) of boards were discovered by a heat flow meter in steady-state conditions. The results showed that the particleboard performed outstandingly in terms of tensile strength perpendicular to the surface (internal bonding) and low thermal conductivity. However, there were some weaknesses found from their characteristics that were high water absorption and thickness of swelling, low modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture comparing to standard criteria. The results also indicated that bamboo shoot sheaths, the agricultural residue, can be produced as particleboard, and are appropriate for an indoor heat insulator, but further investigation is required to improve the strength and durability of the particleboard.


EDP Sciences







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