Hermawan Rizky,Andriani Ria Dewi,Mustaniroh Siti Asmaul,Umam Al Awwally Khotibul,Yulianingsih Rini,Sabrina Nimas Mayang,Widayanti Vindhya Tri,Saleha Rischa Amalia
Klanceng honey is one of the livestock produced by the Trigona sp. Bees cultivated by KTH Telaga Lestari, Ngebel Village, Ponorogo. The quality of klanceng honey needs to be improved through the extraction process to optimize the quality of honey. The research objective is to determine the physical and chemical qualities (pH, acidity, reducing sugar content, water content, and specific gravity). The method used in this research was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) Factorial with two factors, which were rotational speed (30 (A1), 31 (A2), and 32 (A3) Hz) and extraction time (4 (B1), 5 (B2), and 6 (B3) minutes). The tested variables were pH, acidity, reducing sugar content, water content, and specific gravity. The data was analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results showed that speed rotation had a significant effect (P<0.05) on pH 3.68±0.08, a highly significant effect (P<0.01) on acidity 197.22±21.21, and reducing sugar content 68.46±25.71. In contrast, the rotational speed did not significantly affect water content and specific gravity (P>0.05). The results showed that the extraction time used had a highly significant effect (P<0.01) on acidity 156.67±44.82 and reducing sugar content 62.56±30.09, a significant difference (P<0.05) on water content 27.33±0.50 and extraction time used did not give effect (P>0.05) to pH and specific gravity. In conclusion, the research results showed that the rotational speed of 32 Hz (A3) and the extraction time of 4 minutes (B1) gave the best value for pH, acidity, reducing sugar content, water content, and specific gravity.