Zaremuk Rimma,Dolya Yulia,Kopnina Tatiana
The main stress factors for sweet cherries in the Krasnodar region are: late return frosts and early exposure to frost after a warm autumn. Against the background of late return frosts, the death of the generative organs of sweet cherry was 95%, the realization of the productive potential − 3.3%; after early spring frosts, freezing of cherry fruit buds was 30%, the realization of productive potential − 47.8%. The early impact of frost after a warm autumn, the death of the generative organs of sweet cherry was 90%, the realization of the productive potential − 5.6%. Under favorable weather conditions, i.e. in the absence of any type of stress, the yield of sweet cherry varieties reached 40.5 kg/tree or 27 t/ha, and the implementation of the production potential − 57.8%. Mathematical analysis showed a high correlation (R2 = 0.97) of the yield of varieties from the abnormal temperatures in March and the degree of exposure to stress, i.e. damage to generative organs (R2 = 0.9). Domestic varieties Alaya, Sashenka and Volshebnitsa, can be recommended for creating sustainable plantations in the south of Russia.