Ndaiikengurukiye Devot,Akhmetzianova Firaya,Kashaeva Aliya,Sharipov Delius
The article presents the results of the effect of partial replacement of mixed feeds with organic concentrate based on dry bird droppings (DBD) on the preservation of quail, quantitative and qualitative rates of egg productivity. For the laboratory experiment, 5 experimental groups of Manchurian quail were formed by the analogous pair comparison method. The quail of the control group consumed all-in-one feed (AF), for the quail of the experimental groups (I, II, III, and IV) part of the AF – 10, 15, 20 and 25 % by weight – was replaced with organic concentrate. Results of studies reveal that the introduction of 10 % of organic concentrate into the AF contributed to improved feed intake and livestock safety, increased egg productivity and reduced feed consumption per unit of output. With respect to the indicators of biological usefulness, toxicological and sanitary-epidemiological safety, quail eggs treated with the organic concentrate met the requirements of GOST and TR TS 021/2011 “On food safety”.