Development of functional food products based on safflower oil


Bekturganova Almira,Mukanova Kuralay,Zhumanova Umyt,Tultabayev Bakhtiyar


In this article, it is proposed to create a recipe and technology for creating functional food products based on safflower oil with the goal of increasing their culinary value, improving organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators. In the quality of cheese at the production of functional pishchevye emulsion (mayonnaise), it is necessary to use the safflower oil, which is based on the analysis of its pishchevye value and nutritional adequacy of the norms of preventive nutrition. There are ingredients, such as fiber, in the first place, which are necessary for the functioning of the human body. The introduction of fiber increases the yield and biological value of products, improves technological quality, as well as their organoleptic characteristics.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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