Study of the basic laws and parameters of immobilization of yeast cells on various carriers for the production of bioethanol


Abdieva Gulzhamal,Ualieva Perizat,Malik Azhar,Abilda Arailym,Sissimova Arukhan


Over the past few years, due to a sharp increase in oil and gas prices, as well as a number of environmental problems, the world has seen a rapid increase in the consumption of bioethanol, the production of which o based on the use of biorenewable raw materials. Today, over 90% of bioethanol is produced, as a rule, using yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) as catalysts. With the help of microorganisms immobilized by cells, it is possible to organize economically efficient production of ethanol based on whey. A bioreactor with immobilized yeast cells allows for a continuous process of whey fermentation under optimal conditions with a high yield of bioethanol. Immobilized yeast cells have been found to be superior to free yeast cells because immobilized cells are more ethanol resistant and have lower substrate inhibition. Various researchers have concluded that immobilized S. cerevisiae produces more ethanol compared to free cells, although the immobilizing agents used varied.


EDP Sciences







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