Assessment of the professional competencies formation in students in the course of implementing online digital learning technologies


Zakharova Svetlana G.,Yashin Sergey N.,Sukhodoeva Lyudmila F.,Somenkova Natalia S.,Tumanov Sergey V.


The article substantiates the relevance of research on the assessment of students’ professional competencies in the course of implementing online digital learning technologies at universities, as well as unpacks the features of the flipped learning system as a means of determining the assimilation of competencies by students in the studied disciplines. The authors consider the flipped learning implementation methods, such as information collection, analysis, systematization, understanding, application, and competencies. It is shown that digital technologies in education, being a complicated multifunctional complex of influence on the quality of education, have a very ambiguous effect on the formation of professional competencies. Revealed specifics of using high-quality resources when creating digital technologies include special illustrations, a large number of diagrams, animations, audio fragments, web-3.0, video fragments, interactive tasks, animated presentation forms, maps, analytical tables, digital content designed according to the rules of digital communications, its presence in social networks, and much more. The sociological study was conducted involving groups of intramural students of one of the leading universities of the Russian Federation. The professional competencies that students receive in the context of the implementation of online technologies have been assessed. The results of sociological study on students’ readiness for flipped learning have been presented in graphical form. The authors have analyzed the effectiveness of different forms of classes, such as lectures, practical classes, and control, as well as have systematized the trends of educational processes digitalization, and their role in the development of economic processes.


EDP Sciences

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