The Challenge of Information and Communications Technology in Education


Ilic Peter


The dramatic impact of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) on society suggests the potential for an analogous effect on education. The prospects for some benefit from the affordances offered by ICT are appealing but not entirely understood by many educators. The challenges of design, implementation, assessment, and analysis of ICT supported education are considerable. These challenges include how ICT can support traditional learning approaches, add new educational opportunities, and reduce resistance to introducing disruptive technologies such as smartphones. The affordances of ICT in education open many possibilities to integrate with and support existing curriculums. However, many educational institutions have not fully embraced these opportunities. This paper will explore some barriers to ICT adoption in the educational context. The first section is a brief introduction followed by a section on the history of educational theory to illustrate the considerable body of knowledge available on this topic. The third section introduces a type of case study of the challenges faced by a nation in providing the infrastructure needed to implement many of these technologies. Section four gives a summary of many, but not all, barriers to technology adoption faced by educational administrators, instructional designers, educators, and learners. And the final section is a brief conclusion.


EDP Sciences

Reference77 articles.

1. Winn W., “Cognitive perspectives in psychology,” Handbook of research for educational communications and technology: A project of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Jonassen D. H. and Driscoll M., eds., pp. 79-112, New York: Taylor & Francis, (2004).

2. The Scientific Investigation of the Psychical Faculties or Processes in the Higher Animals

3. Operant behavior.

4. Pressey S. L., “A machine for automatic teaching of drill material,” School & Society, 25, pp. 549-552, (1927).

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