1. Vu T.H., Murakami R., Okuyama Y., Abdallah A.B., “Eflcient Optimization and Hardware Acceleration of CNNs towards the Design of a Scalable Neuro inspired Architecture in Hardware”, in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp) (2018), pp. 326–332
2. Comprehensive Analytic Performance Assessment and K-means based Multicast Routing Algorithm and Architecture for 3D-NoC of Spiking Neurons
3. Fault-Tolerant Spike Routing Algorithm and Architecture for Three Dimensional NoC-Based Neuromorphic Systems
4. Murarami R., Okuyama Y., Abdallah A.B., “Animal Recognition and Identification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for farm Monitoring”, in Information Processing Society Tohoku Branch Conference, Koriyama, Japan (Feb,10,2018)
5. Murakami Y., Okuyama Y., Abdallah A.B., “SRAM Based Neural Network System for Traflc Light Recognition in Autonomous Vehicles”, in Information Processing Society Tohoku Branch Conference, Koriyama, Japan (Feb. 10, 2018)