Business Innovation in The Hotel Industry


But Tetiana,Mamotenko Daria,Zaytseva Valentyna,Pulina Tetiana,Bukoros Tetiana


Today, business innovation is a hot topic. Therefore, it was proposed to use a competence-based approach to assess staff as a business innovation in the hotel industry. The paper investigates the theoretical and methodological principles of hotel staff evaluation using a competency-based approach. Scientific approaches are critically estimated, and aspects applied to material incentives management for hotel staff are analyzed. The scientific and theoretical basis of managing the staff’s material stimulation in the hotel business on the basis of the competency approach is investigated and practical tools of its implementation in the hotel business activities are estimated. Methodical approaches to evaluating staff competencies as a component of material incentives management have been developed. The structure of remuneration and the system of bonuses based on staff competencies evaluation have been formed, which will help increase the efficiency of personnel management in the hotel industry.


EDP Sciences

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2. Competitividad empresarial y desarrollo de mercado;Revista Científica de Investigación Multidisciplinaria Arbitrada SCIENTIA;2021-07-05







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