Comparison of the effectiveness of municipal police activities in two municipalities


Durica Jakub,Soltes Viktor


Research background: Security and protection of public order should be a priority in every municipality. Just as residents protect their homes, so municipality should protect regional self-government buildings, public places such as, squares, parks and playgrounds. Currently, the COVID-19 pandemic is reducing the budget of the municipality, which also it should reduced the budget for the activities of municipal police. Purpose of the article: The study deals with the analysis of municipal police budget for the last 5 years and the analysis of municipal police interventions in each of these years. Subsequently, a correlation will be created between the annual budget of the municipal police and the number of interventions in the relevant year. The main objective will be to assess whether the number of municipal police interventions in one year depends on the annual budget. Methods: The mentioned analysis of publicly available sources and correlation to determine the dependence between two variables will be used to prepare the article. Synthesis, induction and deduction will also be used.. Findings & Value added: The result of the study can be used by municipalities to create a municipal budget and determine the amount of the municipal police budget so that its activities are as effective as possible. The study will also provide an overview of municipal police interventions in recent years, from which it is possible to predict the number of interventions in the coming period.


EDP Sciences







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