Content marketing strategy and its impact on customers under the global market conditions


Poradova Monika


The marketing world is a dynamic and constantly changing environment that never stagnates. The purpose of this paper is to decide, based on the analysis of presented issue, how important is global marketing strategy for communication with customers. Presented paper consists of four parts, the first part of paper focuses on theoretical aspects of global content marketing. The second part focuses on methods of data collection that are needed to perform analysis and it is also the base for the fourth part of paper. The third part of paper focuses on the results of analysis, which used Spss program and discussions. In the results and discussion section, we used t-test of the mean values of the two dependent variables. The fourth part consists of conclusion, most appropriate ways and recommendations for development of global marketing strategy in the global market. The result of this paper is comprehensive overview of how global content marketing strategy can be used to influence user interests and how important is in communication with customers. It uses methods of statistical analysis, comparative methods and also synthesis and other methods of formal logic


EDP Sciences

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