Misalignment of the outer disk of DK Tau and a first look at its magnetic field using spectropolarimetry


Nelissen M.,McGinnis P.,Folsom C. P.,Ray T.,Vidotto A. A.,Alecian E.,Bouvier J.,Morin J.,Donati J.-F.,Devaraj R.


Context. Misalignments between a forming star’s rotation axis and its outer disk axis, although not predicted by standard theories of stellar formation, have been observed in several classical T Tauri stars (cTTs). The low-mass cTTs DK Tau is suspected of being among them. In addition, it is an excellent subject to investigate the interaction between stellar magnetic fields and material accreting from the circumstellar disk, as it presents clear signatures of accretion. Aims. The goal of this paper is to study DK Tau’s average line-of-sight magnetic field in both photospheric absorption lines and emission lines linked to accretion, using spectropolarimetric observations, as well as to examine inconsistencies regarding its rotation axis. Methods. We used data collected with the ESPaDOnS spectropolarimeter, at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, and the NARVAL spectropolarimeter, at the Télescope Bernard Lyot, probing two distinct epochs (December 2010 to January 2011 and November to December 2012), each set spanning a few stellar rotation cycles. We first determined the stellar parameters of DK Tau, such as effective temperature and vsini. Next, we removed the effect of veiling from the spectra, then obtained least-squares deconvolution (LSD) profiles of the photospheric absorption lines for each observation, before determining the average line-of-sight magnetic field from them. We also investigated accretion-powered emission lines, namely the 587.6 nm HeI line and the CaII infrared triplet (at 849.8 nm, 854.2 nm and 866.2 nm), as tracers of the magnetic fields present in the accretion shocks. Results. We find that DK Tau experiences accretion onto a magnetic pole at an angle of ∼30° from the pole of its rotation axis, with a positive field at the base of the accretion funnels. In 2010 we find a magnetic field of up to 0.95 kG (from the CaII infrared triplet) and 1.77 kG (from the HeI line) and in 2012 we find up to 1.15 kG (from the CaII infrared triplet) and 1.99 kG (from the HeI line). Additionally, using our derived values of period, vsini and stellar radius, we find a value of 58° (+18)(−11) for the inclination of the stellar rotation axis, which is significantly different from the outer disk axis inclination of 21° given in the literature. Conclusion. We find that DK Tau’s outer disk axis is likely misaligned compared to its rotation axis by 37°.


EDP Sciences


Space and Planetary Science,Astronomy and Astrophysics

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