Understanding star formation and feedback in small galaxies


Cairós L. M.,González-Pérez J. N.


Context. Low-luminosity, active star-forming blue compact galaxies (BCGs) are excellent laboratories for investigating the process of star formation on galactic scales and to probe the interplay between massive stars and the surrounding interstellar (or intergalactic) medium. Aims. We investigate the morphology, structure, and stellar content of BCG Mrk 900, as well as the excitation, ionization conditions, and kinematics of its H II regions and surrounding ionized gas. Methods. We obtained integral field observations of Mrk 900 working with the Visible Multi-Object Spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope. The observations were taken in the wavelength range 4150−7400 Å covering a field of view of 27″ × 27″ on the sky with a spatial sampling of 0.67. From the integral field data we built continuum, emission, and diagnostic line ratio maps and produced velocity and velocity dispersion maps. We also generated the integrated spectrum of the major H II regions and the nuclear area to determine reliable physical parameters and oxygen abundances. Integral field spectroscopy was complemented with deep broad-band photometry taken at the 2.5 m NOT telescope; the broad-band data, tracing the galaxy up to radius 4 kpc, allowed us to investigate the properties of the low surface brightness underlying stellar host. Results. We disentangle two different stellar components in Mrk 900: a young population, which resolves into individual stellar clusters with ages ∼5.5−6.6 Myr and extends about 1 kpc along the galaxy minor axis, is placed on top of a rather red and regular shaped underlying stellar host, several Gyr old. We find evidence of a substantial amount of dust and an inhomogeneous extinction pattern, with a dust lane crossing the central starburst. Mrk 900 displays overall rotation, although distorted in the central, starburst regions; the dispersion velocity map is highly inhomogeneous, with values increasing up to 60 km s−1 at the periphery of the SF regions, where we also find hints of the presence of shocks. Our observational results point to an interaction or merger with a low-mass object or infalling gas as plausible trigger mechanisms for the present starburst event.


EDP Sciences


Space and Planetary Science,Astronomy and Astrophysics

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