1. The Computation of Topocentric Librations
2. The New I.A.U. System of Galactic Coordinates (1958 Revision)
3. Brouw, W. N. 1971, Ph.D. Thesis, Sterrenwacht, Leiden
4. Bunclark, P., & Rots, A. 1996, Precise Re-definition of DATE-OBS Keyword Encompassing the Millennium, located at http://www.cv.nrao.edu/fits/documents/standards/ as year2000.txt
5. Calabretta, M. R. 1992, Spherical Map Projections, AIPS++ Memo No. 107, The AIPS++ Consortium, c/o National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville, Virginia, Dec 15.http://aips2.nrao.edu/docs/memos/107.ps