Mass calibration of DES Year-3 clusters via SPT-3G CMB cluster lensing
Container-title:Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Short-container-title:J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys.
Ansarinejad B.ORCID, Raghunathan S., Abbott T.M.C., Ade P.A.R., Aguena M., Alves O., Anderson A.J., Andrade-Oliveira F., Archipley M., Balkenhol L., Benabed K., Bender A.N., Benson B.A., Bertin E., Bianchini F., Bleem L.E., Bocquet S., Bouchet F.R., Brooks D., Bryant L., Burke D.L., Camphuis E., Carlstrom J.E., Carnero Rosell A., Carretero J., Castander F.J., Cecil T.W., Chang C.L., Chaubal P., Chichura P.M., Chou T.-L., Coerver A., Costanzi M., Crawford T.M., Cukierman A., da Costa L.N., Daley C., Davis T.M., de Haan T., Desai S., De Vicente J., Dibert K.R., Dobbs M.A., Doel P., Doussot A., Doux C., Dutcher D., Everett W., Feng C., Ferguson K.R., Ferrero I., Fichman K., Foster A., Frieman J., Galli S., Gambrel A.E., García-Bellido J., Gardner R.W., Gaztanaga E., Ge F., Giannini G., Goeckner-Wald N., Grandis S., Gruendl R.A., Gualtieri R., Guidi F., Guns S., Gutierrez G., Halverson N.W., Hinton S.R., Hivon E., Holder G.P., Hollowood D.L., Holzapfel W.L., Honscheid K., Hood J.C., Huang N., James D.J., Kéruzoré F., Knox L., Korman M., Kuo C.-L., Lee A.T., Lee S., Levy K., Lowitz A.E., Lu C., Maniyar A., Marshall J.L., Mena-Fernández J., Menanteau F., Miquel R., Millea M., Mohr J.J., Montgomery J., Nakato Y., Natoli T., Noble G.I., Novosad V., Ogando R.L.C., Omori Y., Padin S., Palmese A., Pan Z., Paschos P., Pereira M.E.S., Pieres A., Plazas Malagón A.A., Prabhu K., Quan W., Rahlin A., Rahimi M., Reichardt C.L., Reil K., Romer A.K., Rouble M., Ruhl J.E., Sanchez E., Sanchez Cid D., Schiappucci E., Sevilla-Noarbe I., Smecher G., Smith M., Sobrin J.A., Stark A.A., Stephen J., Suchyta E., Suzuki A., Swanson M.E.C., Tandoi C., Tarle G., Thompson K.L., Thorne B., Trendafilova C., Tucker C., Umilta C., Vieira J.D., Wang G., Weaverdyck N., Whitehorn N., Wiseman P., Wu W.L.K., Yefremenko V., Young M.R., Zebrowski J.A., ,
We measure the stacked lensing signal in the direction of galaxy clusters in the Dark
Energy Survey Year 3 (DES Y3) redMaPPer sample, using cosmic microwave background (CMB)
temperature data from SPT-3G, the third-generation CMB camera on the South Pole
Telescope (SPT). Here, we estimate the lensing signal using temperature maps constructed from
the initial 2 years of data from the SPT-3G 'Main' survey, covering 1500 deg2 of the Southern
sky. We then use this lensing signal as a proxy for the mean cluster mass of the DES sample. The
thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (tSZ) signal, which can contaminate the lensing signal if not
addressed, is isolated and removed from the data before obtaining the mass measurement. In this
work, we employ three versions of the redMaPPer catalogue: a Flux-Limited sample containing 8865
clusters, a Volume-Limited sample with 5391 clusters, and a Volume&Redshift-Limited sample with
4450 clusters. For the three samples, we detect the CMB lensing signal at a significance of
12.4σ, 10.5σ and 10.2σ and find the mean cluster masses to be
200m = 1.66±0.13 [stat.]± 0.03 [sys.], 1.97±0.18 [stat.]± 0.05 [sys.],
and 2.11±0.20 [stat.]± 0.05 [sys.]×1014 M⊙, respectively. This
is a factor of ∼ 2 improvement relative to the precision of measurements with previous
generations of SPT surveys and the most constraining cluster mass measurements using CMB cluster
lensing to date. Overall, we find no significant tensions between our results and masses given by
redMaPPer mass-richness scaling relations of previous works, which were calibrated using CMB
cluster lensing, optical weak lensing, and velocity dispersion measurements from various
combinations of DES, SDSS and Planck data. We then divide our sample into 3 redshift and 3
richness bins, finding no significant discrepancies with optical weak-lensing calibrated masses in
these bins. We forecast a 5.7% constraint on the mean cluster mass of the DES Y3 sample with
the complete SPT-3G surveys when using both temperature and polarization data and including an
additional ∼ 1400 deg2 of observations from the 'Extended' SPT-3G survey.