Euclid preparation


,Saglia R.ORCID,De Nicola S.,Fabricius M.ORCID,Guglielmo V.,Snigula J.ORCID,Zöller R.ORCID,Bender R.,Heidt J.ORCID,Masters D.,Stern D.ORCID,Paltani S.,Amara A.,Auricchio N.,Baldi M.ORCID,Bodendorf C.,Bonino D.,Branchini E.,Brescia M.ORCID,Brinchmann J.,Camera S.ORCID,Capobianco V.,Carbone C.ORCID,Carretero J.ORCID,Castellano M.,Cavuoti S.ORCID,Cledassou R.,Congedo G.,Conselice C. J.,Conversi L.,Copin Y.,Corcione L.,Courbin F.ORCID,Cropper M.,Da Silva A.,Degaudenzi H.,Douspis M.,Dubath F.ORCID,Duncan C. A. J.,Dupac X.,Dusini S.ORCID,Farrens S.,Frailis M.,Franceschi E.ORCID,Galeotta S.,Garilli B.ORCID,Gillard W.,Gillis B.,Giocoli C.ORCID,Grazian A.,Grupp F.ORCID,Haugan S. V. H.,Hoekstra H.ORCID,Holmes W.,Hormuth F.,Hornstrup A.,Jahnke K.ORCID,Kümmel M.,Kermiche S.,Kiessling A.,Kunz M.,Kurki-Suonio H.,Laureijs R.,Ligori S.,Lilje P. B.ORCID,Lloro I.,Maiorano E.ORCID,Marggraf O.ORCID,Markovic K.,Marulli F.ORCID,Massey R.ORCID,McCracken H. J.,Melchior M.,Meylan G.,Moresco M.,Moscardini L.ORCID,Munari E.,Niemi S. M.,Padilla C.,Pasian F.,Pedersen K.,Percival W. J.,Pettorino V.,Pires S.,Poncet M.,Popa L.,Pozzetti L.,Raison F.ORCID,Renzi A.,Rhodes J.ORCID,Riccio G.ORCID,Romelli E.,Rossetti E.,Sapone D.,Sartoris B.,Schneider P.,Secroun A.,Seidel G.,Sirignano C.,Sirri G.,Stanco L.,Tallada-Crespí P.,Tavagnacco D.,Taylor A. N.,Tereno I.,Toledo-Moreo R.ORCID,Torradeflot F.,Tutusaus I.,Valentijn E. A.,Valenziano L.ORCID,Vassallo T.,Wang Y.,Zacchei A.ORCID,Zamorani G.,Zoubian J.,Andreon S.ORCID,Bardelli S.,Graciá-Carpio J.ORCID,Maino D.,Mauri N.,Tramacere A.,Zucca E.ORCID,Alvarez Ayllon A.,Aussel H.,Baccigalupi C.,Balaguera-Antolínez A.,Ballardini M.,Biviano A.,Bolzonella M.,Bozzo E.,Burigana C.ORCID,Cabanac R.ORCID,Cappi A.,Carvalho C. S.,Casas S.,Castignani G.,Cooray A.,Coupon J.,Courtois H. M.ORCID,Davini S.,Desprez G.,Dole H.,Escartin J. A.,Escoffier S.,Farina M.,Fotopoulou S.,Ganga K.,Garcia-Bellido J.,George K.,Giacomini F.ORCID,Gozaliasl G.ORCID,Hildebrandt H.ORCID,Hook I.,Ilbert O.,Kansal V.,Kashlinsky A.,Keihanen E.,Kirkpatrick C. C.,Loureiro A.ORCID,Macías-Pérez J.,Magliocchetti M.,Mainetti G.,Maoli R.,Martinelli M.,Martinet N.,Metcalf R. B.ORCID,Morgante G.,Nadathur S.,Nucita A. A.,Patrizii L.,Popa V.,Porciani C.ORCID,Potter D.,Pourtsidou A.,Reimberg P.,Sánchez A. G.ORCID,Sakr Z.,Schirmer M.,Sefusatti E.,Sereno M.ORCID,Stadel J.,Teyssier R.,Valieri C.,Valiviita J.,Veropalumbo A.,Viel M.ORCID


The Complete Calibration of the Color–Redshift Relation survey (C3R2) is a spectroscopic program designed to empirically calibrate the galaxy color–redshift relation to the Euclid depth (IE = 24.5), a key ingredient for the success of Stage IV dark energy projects based on weak lensing cosmology. A spectroscopic calibration sample that is as representative as possible of the galaxies in the Euclid weak lensing sample is being collected, selecting galaxies from a self-organizing map (SOM) representation of the galaxy color space. Here, we present the results of a near-infrared H- and K-band spectroscopic campaign carried out using the LUCI instruments at the LBT. For a total of 251 galaxies, we present new highly reliable redshifts in the 1.3 ≤ z ≤ 1.7 and 2 ≤ z ≤ 2.7 ranges. The newly-determined redshifts populate 49 SOM cells that previously contained no spectroscopic measurements and almost twice the occupation numbers of an additional 153 SOM cells. A final optical ground-based observational effort is needed to calibrate the missing cells, in particular in the redshift range 1.7 ≤ z ≤ 2.7, which lack spectroscopic calibration. In the end, Euclid itself will deliver telluric-free near-IR spectra that can complete the calibration.


EDP Sciences


Space and Planetary Science,Astronomy and Astrophysics

Reference23 articles.

1. Flame : A flexible data reduction pipeline for near-infrared and optical spectroscopy

2. Buschkamp P., Hofmann R., Gemperlein H., et al. 2010, in Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III, eds. McLean I. S., Ramsay S. K., & Takami H., SPIE Conf. Ser., 7735, 773579

3. The First Release COSMOS Optical and Near‐IR Data and Catalog

4. Euclid preparation

5. Euclid preparation

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1. Euclid preparation;Astronomy & Astrophysics;2024-01







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