Cui Zengqi,Bai Huaiyong,Jiang Haoyu,Hu Yiwei,Zhang Guohui,Fan Ruirui,Jiang Wei,Yi Han,Tang Jingyu,An Qi,Bao Jie,Bao Yu,Cao Ping,Chen Haolei,Chen Qiping,Chen Yonghao,Chen Yukai,Chen Zhen,Feng Changqing,Gao Keqing,Gu Minhao,Han Changcai,Han Zijie,He Guozhu,He Yongcheng,Hong Yang,Huang Hanxiong,Huang Weiling,Huang Xiru,Ji Xiaolu,Ji Xuyang,Jiang Zhijie,Jing Hantao,Kang Ling,Kang Mingtao,Li O,Li Chao,Li Jiawen,Li Lun,Li Qiang,Li Xiao,Li Yang,Liu Rong,Liu Shubin,Liu Xingyan,Luan Guangyuan,Mu Qili,Ning Changjun,Qi Binbin,Ren Jie,Ren Zhizhou,Ruan XiChao,Song Zhaohui,Song Yingpeng,Sun Hong,Sun Kang,Sun Xiaoyang,Sun Zhijia,Tan Zhixin,Tang Hongqing,Tang Xinyi,Tian Binbin,Wang Lijiao,Wang Pengcheng,Wang Qi,Wang Taofeng,Wang Zhaohui,Wen Jie,Wen Zhongwei,Wu Qingbiao,Wu Xiaoguang,Wu Xuan,Xie Likun,Yang Yiwei,Yu Li,Yu Tao,Yu Yongji,Zhang Linhao,Zhang Qiwei,Zhang Xianpeng,Zhang Yuliang,Zhang Zhiyong,Zhao Yubin,Zhou Luping,Zhou Zuying,Zhu Danyang,Zhu Kejun,Zhu Peng
Differential cross-section data for the n-p and n-d elastic scattering (1H(n, el), 2H(n, el)) are collected and analyzed from EXFOR library. For En > 20 MeV, the experimental results for both reactions are scarce with large uncertainties and discrepancies in general. For En ≤ 20 MeV, the experimental results lack systematicness, most of which were measured around En = 14 MeV even though the differential cross sections of n-p scattering in 1 keV ≤ En ≤ 20 MeV region are recommended as standard. Taking these facts into account, more accurate and systematic measurements are planned. The experiments will be conducted using ΔE-E detectors of the Light-charged Particle Detector Array (LPDA) system at China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Back-n White Neutron Source (WNS), and simulations are carried out. Using polyethylene and deuterated polyethylene as samples, both n-p and n-d scattering reactions are simulated along with the neutron-induced 12C background reactions, and the 2-D spectra and the counting rates of the ΔE-E detectors are obtained. According to the simulations, the applicable neutron energy range and positions of the detectors are recommended, and the beam time for the event and background measurements is suggested.