Medvedev Andrey,Bobrova Ekaterina,Poserenin Alexey,Zarmanyan Ervand
The article analyzes the factors affecting the longevity of insu-lating systems and the operational resistance of products based on mineral fibers. It is emphasized that the ratio of acid oxides contained in the charge to the main oxides is the main factor influencing the operational resistance of mineral fibers, as well as the energy intensity of their production. A hy-pothesis has been put forward and confirmed that the operational resistance of a fiber depends on the content of heavy metals (their oxides) in the ini-tial charge. Determination of the elemental composition of stone wool samples was carried out by X-ray fluorescence analysis. Conducted sam-ples with a different acidity module of the study, show, that the fibers are safe by radiation indices, and their operational resistance can be affected by heavy metal oxides. It is substantiated that the durability of building systems in which mineral wool products are used as thermal insulation is determined by the properties of mineral wool products, the literacy of de-sign solutions and the quality of installation. The properties of mineral wool products, including their operational resistance, depend on the prop-erties of mineral fibers and the observance of technological regimes both on the fact of the most complete curing of the binder and on the features of formation of the volume-oriented structure of the mineral wool carpet.
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15 articles.