Bandwidth optimization for lane-based traffic signal settings with improved stopping criteria in non-linear TRANSYT delay


Wong C K,Liu Yi,Shen Yixin


While assigning given OD demand flows onto network links, travel times along different routes could be varied depending on respective traffic volumes. To achieve equilibrium, all used routes should have the minimum and identical travel times. Such route travel times are composed by link travel times and end of link delay. Upstream and downstream traffic signals are coordinated through bandwidth maximization. Path flows and path travel times are modeled to be responsive to traffic signal settings to enable attractive path choices. Approximated linear function will be established to linearize the end of link delay in TRANSYT model. The problem is formulated as a Binary-Mixed-Integer-Linear-Program and could be solved by standard branch-and-bound method.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

Reference11 articles.

1. Lane-based optimization of signal timings for isolated junctions

2. Optimal allocation of turns to lanes at an isolated signal-controlled junction

3. Robertson D.I. (1969) TRANSYT: a traffic network study tool, Transport and Road Research Laboratory Report, LR253, Crowthorne.

4. Vincent R.A., Mitchell A.I. and Robertson D.I. (1980) User guide to TRANSYT version 8, Transport and Road Research Laboratory Report LR888. TRL, Crowthorne.







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