Analysis Factors Affecting the Outcomes of Skilled Construction Workers Training in the Region of Central Sulawesi Province


Nirmalawatf ,Labombang Mastura,Fadjar Adnan


Skilled workers in the field of construction is increasingly in demand along with the development of infrastructure development, especially in the region of central Sulawesi Province. Because of that therefore it is needed skilled workers that has the compotent. So that many training of skilled workers. The purpose of this research is (1) to know the factors that influence the results of the training of skilled workers; (2) to evaluate the training model with the conditions of skilled workers in the region of Central Sulawesi Province. The research used quantitative, descriptive-correlational approach. Data collection by distributing questioners and structured interviews to contractors, field supervisors and project owners of Central Sulawesi Province as respondents. Data analysis using descriptive statistics, the value of Relative Rank Index (RRI) used to determine the important factors in sequence.The result of the research concludes that: (1) The most important factor of skilled workers training of Central Sulawesi Province; learning process, the ability factor of the instructor and the support of facilities and infrastructures; (2) The results of the evaluation the training model in accordance with the conditions using Project Based Learning Methods, because in accordance with the conditions of Central Sulawesi Province which has a different location project.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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