Rahim Robbi,Kurniasih Nuning,Hasibuan Abdurrozzaq,Andriany Liesna,Najmurrokhman Asep,Supriyanto S,Wardayani W,Hidayat Rahmat,Lubis D S W,Napitupulu Darmawan,Nugraha Anggara Trisna,Siburian Henry Kristian,Abdullah Dahlan
Congklak is a favorite populist game played at least 2 (two) players or in this article were human user and computer (AI). An essential point of playing congklak is to collect as many congklak seeds as possible to win the game, to win form from congklak it need a technique and it’s different for each players. Breadth First Search algorithm is a search algorithm which process to visit each node and the neighbors node to generate optimal graph that gives the best solution to computer (AI) and in this case were to complete the congklak game. Breadth First Search algorithm could be uses an alternative solution for optimal solution to win congklak with the help of mathematical computation.
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