Pojęcie i cechy charakterystyczne odpowiedzialności dyscyplinarnej w prawie polskim


Ceglarska-Piłat Katarzyna


However for last 40 years disciplinary liability was generally out of scope of doctrine, recently it is noted constant increase of interest of that part of law. There are many reasons for that, including involving new professional groups and respective strictness and inconsistence of disciplinary provisions. The latter is aggravated by heterogenicity in various corporations and governing by substatutory regulations. Unfortunatelly, an unification of criminal law, being applied mutatis mutandi, is only partial remedy. In that elaboration author analyzed regulations between various corporations to extract basic and common rules and to denominate differences. The complexity augments fact that not only acts have binding effect, but also delegated regulations. That creates sophisticated network of law and professional knowledge, with additional problem of overlapping lex generalis and lex specialis in uncommon proportion. Above mentioned differences concern not only substantive law but also, if not even wider, procedural one. Interestingly, what author depicts, there is even not identical wording used in description of analogical names or definitions. Disciplinary liability, as cumulative to the criminal one, tends to protecting rights of accused person, as generally rule ne bis in idem is not in force. It concerns basic rights, like dignity and equality under the law. It is necessary strict cooperation and open discussion between professionals and legislator, as proper disciplinary liability rules need both protect society and allow to realize freely duties of practitioners.


Instytut Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Reference155 articles.

1. Boć J. (red.), Prawo administracyjne, Kolonia 2005.

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3. Bojańczyk A., W sprawie dwóch rozwiązań procesowych projektu ustawy o nowymustroju dyscyplinarnym niektórych zawodów prawniczych, „Palestra” 2007, Nr 9–10.

4. Bojarski M., Zasady odpowiedzialności dyscyplinarnej w sporcie, [w:] A. J. Szwarc (red.), Odpowiedzialność dyscyplinarna w sporcie, Poznań 2001.

5. Bojarski T., Polskie prawo karne. Zarys części ogólnej, Warszawa 2008.

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