1. Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie
Members of the pharmacists’ self-government can be held liable before pharmaceutical courts for conduct breaching the rules of professional ethics and deontology, and infringing legal regulations concerning the practice of the pharmacist’s profession. Thus, the basis of professional responsibility of pharmacists is generally similar to the rules of professional liability of doctors, nurses, and midwives. Nevertheless, certain significant differences can be noticed in the course of the proceedings. Such a difference occurs in the proceedings before the Supreme Pharmaceutical Court. The professional group of pharmacists cannot be indifferent to punishable acts because this would imply tacit consent to breach of legal provisions regulating the professional practice and the rules of professional ethics and deontology set forth in the Code of Ethics of the Polish Pharmacist. Therefore, it is crucial that pharmacists, who practise a profession of public trust, should take care of the appropriate status of their occupation in order to conduct properly their mission of serving the society.
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