1. Kellogg Biological Station and Crop & Soil Sciences Department; Michigan State Univ.; 3700 E Gull Lake Dr. Hickory Corners MI 49060
2. The Pennsylvania State Univ.; 116 ASI Building University Park PA 16802
3. Carbon Management and Sequestration Center; The Ohio State University; 2021 Coffey Rd Columbus OH 43210
4. Department of Horticulture; Cornell Univ.; Ithaca NY 14850
5. USDA-Agricultural Research Service; 1420 Experiment Station Rd Watkinsville GA 30677
6. Office of Agriculture Research & Transformation, USAID Bureau for Food Security; Washington, DC 20523
7. Dep. of Natural Resources and Environment; Univ. of New Hampshire; Durham NH 03824
8. Dep. of Plant Sciences; Univ. of California; Davis CA 95616
9. Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory; USDA-Agricultural Research Service; 10300 Baltimore Ave Beltsville MD 20705
10. Dep. of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences; Univ. of Illinois; Urbana IL 61801