1. Concordia University
2. National Research Council Canada
3. National Research Council
4. Standard Aero Limited
In this study, the global and local tensile behaviours of laser welded 5.1-mm thick Ti-6Al-4V alloy were obtained at various welding speeds and defocusing distances using a digital image correlation (DIC) technique with a full field three-dimensional deformation measurement system. The local tensile properties including elastic modulus, yield stress, and maximum plastic strain were determined at various locations by assuming an iso-stress condition. It was found that the elastic modulus and yield stress were maximum in the fusion zone (FZ) and minimum in the heat-affected zone (HAZ). Porosity and underfill defects were the main reasons for the failures in the FZ and/or the HAZ. Maximum plastic strain at fracture was observed at the failure location in most cases.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
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6 articles.