Microwave Differential Thermal Analysis Technique of the Fe2O3+BaCO3 Homogeneous Mixture


Savu Sorin Vasile1


1. University of Craiova


The microwave differential thermal analysis (MW-DTA) is a new procedure to evaluate the materials, barium ferrite type M in this paper, according to the phenomena appeared during the material heating. The paper presents a new evaluation technique which is faster and with low energy consumption. The microwaves are used to heat the material, two infrared pyrometers for monitoring the temperatures on the material surface and a temperature regulator where the data are recorded for evaluation. The material, a homogeneous mixture of Fe2O3+BaCO3, is a ceramic material with good absorbance properties, so the heating will be pure microwave heating. The results and the DTA graphic is automatically generated by the temperature recording device based on the data sensed by the infrared pyrometers. The paper presents technical aspect regarding to the microwave heating and temperature measurement in microwave field and how to make differential thermal analysis in microwave field.


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.


General Engineering

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