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3. Savu, D., Ciupitu, I., Birdeanu, V., Gherasim, N., Filipciuc, A. Ultrasound vibration assisted compaction of the mixed powder to reduce the porosity in laser welding of the sintered composites, International conference Innovative technologies for joining advanced materials - tima08 June, 12-13, 2008, Timişoara, Romania.
4. I. Ciupitu, S. Sontea, M. Didu, St. Gheorghe, Samples of cast iron powders mixtures, Dimensional variations, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iasi, Tomul XLVI (L), Supliment II, Sectia Constructii de masini, pp.17-20, (2000).
5. I. Ciupitu, N. Dumitru, M. Didu, St. Gheorghe, Cast iron powders with iron mixed with cooper aditions, 10th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 24-26. 05. 2000, pp.1789-1795.