1. Chulcov V.O. Re-arrangement. Organizational, human and technical reliability of construction/ Series Infographicfl basis of functional systems, / Edited by V.O. Chulcov. - M.: SvR-ARGUS, (2005).
2. Chulcov V.O., Kyzina O.N. Retrieving - innovative direction in a functional system of construction renjvation. - Garold of VSCU. - 2011. - №8.
3. Sudakov K.V., Chulcov V.O., Kazaryan R.R., Glazachev O.S., Dmitrieva N.V., Komarov N.M. Antropotechnics: Norm in every living thing and artificial beings / Edited by professor V.O. Chulcov. - M.: SvR-ARGUS, 2013. - 320s, ill.