1. Safety and Security Analysis: Investigative Report by NASA on Proposed EPA Hydrogen-Powered Vehicle Fueling Station. Assessment and Standards Division Office of Transportation and Air Quality U.S. Environment Protection Agency, EPA420-R-04-016 October 2004. 45 p.
2. H. Schneider, Large Scale Experiments: Deflagration and Deflagration to Detonation within a partial Confinement similar to a lane // Proc. of International Conference on Hydrogen Safety. Pisa (Italy). 2005. 10 p.
3. E. Gallego, J. Garcia, E. Migoya, A. Crespo, A. Kotchourko, J. Yanez, A. Beccantini, O. R. Hansen, D. Baraldi, S. Hoiset, M. M. Voort, V. Molkov, An Intercomparison Exercise on the Capabilities of CFD Models to Predict Deflagration of a Large-Scale H2-Air Mixture in Open Atmosphere // Proc. of International Conference on Hydrogen Safety. Pisa (Italy). 2005. 10 p.
4. Y. Skob, M. Ugryumov, E. Granovskiy, Numerical Evaluation of Probability of Harmful Impact Caused by Toxic Spill Emergencies, J. Environmental and Climate Technologies. 23(3) (2019) 1-14.
5. E. A. Granovskiy, V. A. Lyfar, Yu. A. Skob, M. L. Ugryumov, Computational Modeling of Pressure Effects from Hydrogen Deflagrations // Proc. of 2-nd International Conference on Hydrogen Safety. San Sebastian (Spain). 2007. 15 p.