1. Infineon Press Release, Infineon Releases Revolutionary CoolSiC™ 1200V SiC JFET Family with Direct Drive Technology, 5/8/(2012).
2. J. Hilsenbeck, F. Björk, W. Bergner, A Mature 1200 V SiC JFET Technology Optimized for Efficient and Reliable Switching, Proceedings PCIM 2011 (2011) p.562.
3. R. Rupp, R. Gerlach, U. Kirchner, A. Schlögl, R. Kern, Performance of a 650V SiC diode with reduced chip thickness, Mat. Sci. Forum Vols. 717-720 (2012) pp.921-924.
4. Datasheet of IPP65R110CFD at www. infineon. com.
5. Datasheet of IKP08N65H5 at www. infineon. com.