Prototype of Intellectual System for Research of Space Weather Parameters


,Ivantyshyn DanyloORCID,Burov YevhenORCID,


An analysis of the state of space weather research has been conducted, based on which the main problem has been identified and its relevance has been justified. Monitoring, researching, and forecasting space weather conditions receive significant attention in developed countries around the world. Despite significant progress in addressing this issue, the structure of solar-terrestrial connections is not fully understood, and the risks associated with space weather are increasing as the key aspects of our lives become increasingly technologically advanced. Today, in the structure of solar-terrestrial connections the influence of solar activity on the Earth’s lower atmosphere, including atmospheric infrasound and the electric field, remains insufficiently studied. This problem requires an examination of complex interactions that occur when different types of disturbances propagate through the Sun-Earth environment. Based on the developed generalized architecture of an intelligent system for researching space weather parameters, a prototype of this system has been proposed, and its functionality has been determined and developed. The prototype of the intelligent system is a client-server system built on the basis of server software, user software, and application software. The functionality of the intelligent system includes data collection, their preliminary processing, data processing, and visualization of the investigated signals. Data processing for space weather parameters includes spectral analysis of experimental data implemented using windowed Fourier transform and wavelet transform, as well as correlation-regression analysis, which allows for the investigation of the relationship between variables with the aim of identifying unknown causal connections. The intelligent system for researching space weather parameters will help identify new connections in the structure of solar-terrestrial interactions and study the impact of space factors on the Earth’s troposphere. The provided examples illustrate the results of processing experimental data for space weather parameters.


Lviv Polytechnic National University







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