1. RAL Space STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Harwell Campus Didcot Oxfordshire UK
2. Spire Unit 5A Glasgow UK
3. Defence Science and Technology Laboratory Intelligence InnovationRAF Wyton Huntingdon UK
4. School of Engineering University of Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham UK
5. Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Surrey Space Centre University of Surrey GuildfordSurrey UK
6. CSDRadConsultancy Ltd Fleet UK
7. Imperial College Space and Atmospheric Physics The Blackett Laboratory Imperial College London London UK
8. Met Office Exeter Devon UK
9. Civil Aviation Authority Aviation House Crawley West Sussex UK
10. British Antarctic Survey Cambridge UK
11. SolarMetrics Ltd. Swindon UK
12. Centre for Space Atmospheric and Oceanic Science University of Bath Claverton Down Bath UK
13. Department of Sociology University of Essex Wivenhoe Park Colchester UK
14. British Geological Survey Environmental Science Centre Nicker HillKeyworth Nottingham UK
15. Department of Physics Lancaster University Lancaster UK
16. Defence Science and Technology Laboratory Portsdown West Fareham UK
17. PHE Centre for Radiation Chemical and Environmental Hazards Harwell Campus Didcot Oxfordshire UK
18. British Geological Survey The Lyell Centre Research Avenue South Edinburgh UK
19. UK Space Agency Polaris House Swindon UK