


The first experiences of designing virtual environments showed that in the future, professional education and theoretical reflection will face the problems of inconsistency of "traditional" ideas about architectural form with the features that it acquires in metaversal living spaces. Therefore, these differences and specifics should become the object of attention of professional science, which should assess the nature of the new values of the architectural space, as well as the amount of necessary changes, in particular in the educational field, which should be oriented to the real needs of the industry and current processes in design. Since the mentioned changes, as mentioned above, affect the basic foundations of creating an environment, it is necessary to define the concept of the space of presence, freed from the "traditional" vital needs of "sustenance", and focused on the interaction of consciousness and impressions, both of a personalistic and communicative nature. Based on the analysis of two hundred architectural projects of metaverse real estate, their stylistic and artistic evaluation, the following trends in the formation of the space of presence from the quantitatively most numerous to the smallest are highlighted: philosophical-transcendent, neomodernist, traditional interior, mixed (combination of several trends), fantasy, historicism, simplified three-dimensional geometry, psychedelic, futuristic, parametric architecture, landscape zones, expressionist, urban. The difference in the number of each of them, and such a morphological structure testifies to the gradual formation of the priorities of the space of virtual presence, in which the main priorities are requests of consciousness, not vitality. In addition to the fact that in such spaces there are practically no elements of traditional life support (kitchens, dining rooms, bathrooms, service and technical premises, security, parking spaces, etc.), considerable attention is paid to the means of achieving an emotional response, which activates and strengthens communication interaction. In the context of the specificity outlined above, it was found that the space of presence in metaversal real estate projects contains a number of promising directions that have a distinctive character and can be considered the starting point for the development of trends and phenomena that are characteristic only for virtual architecture. Among the most obvious, the following are highlighted: anti-gravitational shaping (the use of elements suspended in space and used only to create an environmental framework), semantic transcendence (the establishment of iconic and symbolic resources for communicative reflection), multi-temporal mobility (different chronological states as an option of instant choice), the formation clever surprises (using various techniques such as compositional, coloristic, naturalistic, etc.).


Lviv Polytechnic National University


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

Reference9 articles.

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