Spatial analysis of renewable energy sources in Lviv region


Savchenko Olena, ,Yurkevych Yurii,Liubuska Ivan


The introduction of renewable energy sources makes it possible to expand the possibilities of development of branches of the national economy, in particular heat energy, to accelerate economic growth and reduce the release of greenhouse gases into the environment. Spatial analysis of renewable energy sources contributes to their effective use and allows for planning the local development of renewable energy. In this article, a spatial analysis of renewable energy sources in the Lviv region, such as wind energy, solar radiation, fuel wood, agricultural animal manure, and sewage sludge, is performed. It was established that the most promising district in terms of the availability of renewable energy sources is the Stryi district, since the amount of solar radiation and the amount of forest land in it are higher than the same indicators for other districts, in addition, the amount of sewage sludge is also one of the highest in the region. For the possibility of increasing the total share of renewable energy sources, the districts of the region can cooperate with other districts of both Lviv region and neighboring regions.


Lviv Polytechnic National University


General Medicine

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