Evaluating the impact of stress factors, inadequate nutrition and low physical activity on schoolchildren’s health


Kochetova Yulia YrievnaORCID, ,Starchikova Margarita ValerevnaORCID,Bendrikova Albina YrievnaORCID,Repkina Tatiana VictorovnaORCID, , ,


Introduction. Maintaining students’ psychological and physical health requires understanding all the factors affecting children’s development. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of stress factors, inadequate nutrition and low physical activity on schoolchildren’s health. Materials and Methods. The research uses general theoretical, empirical and statistical methods. The article reviews scholarly literature on the problem of stress in school-aged children, as well as sources containing relevant statistical data. I order to understand the degree of influence of stress and its accompanying factors on the health of schoolchildren aged 11-12 years, the authors conducted an empirical study at the regional prevention center called "Center for public health". The study was divided into two stages. At the first stage, medical research was carried out in accordance with the guidelines "Providing medical care to the children's population in health centers for children". The main indicators of physical health (blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels, electrocardiography) were measured during the medical study. At the second stage, a questionnaire containing questions about habits and living conditions was applied. The methods used for analyzing data obtained during the study include linear distribution analysis, two-dimensional analysis of conjugacy tables, and cluster analysis. The sample consisted of 3241 students of secondary schools (aged 11-12 years) in the Altai region (the Russian Federation). Results. The participants of the study demonstrated high stress level and signs of depression. The study found accompanying risk factors for illnesses. They include poor nutrition and low physical activity. The relationship between stress and cardiac arrhythmia measured by ECG was established. A correlation was found between leading a healthy lifestyle and a minimum amount of stress in schoolchildren and their learning achievements. Conclusions. Based on statistical analysis of the research data, the authors conclude that there are significant physiological and psychological deviations in the health indicators of schoolchildren: cholesterol levels, blood pressure, indicators of stress and depression, physical activity, violation of the principles of rational nutrition and obesity. Based on the survey data, the authors conclude that children are aware of the need for a healthy lifestyle, but do not lead it.


Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University



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