Yamanova Galina A.,Kudrin Rodion A.,Orlov Dmitry V.
A comparative analysis of the level of adaptive capabilities of cadet corps and secondary school students based on the study of heart rate variability. Materials and methods: Cadets (n = 64) and schoolchildren (n = 86) aged 1012 years took part in the study; spectral parameters of the heart rate were evaluated at rest and under conditions of an active orthostatic test. Results: It was found that the severity of the HF component of the heart rate decreases with age in cadets, which indicates a decrease in the effects of the parasympathetic system, (40.2 8.7) % at 10 years and (25.1 3.6) % at 12 years; р = 0.024. At the age of 12, the values of LF (р = 0.034), LF/HF (р = 0.031) and SI (р = 0.041) in cadets are higher than in schoolchildren, and HF (р = 0.022) are lower. During the active orthostatic test, the cadets showed a decrease in K30:15, as well as an increase in LF (р = 0.035), LF/HF (р = 0.041) and TI (р = 0.038), which demonstrates the predominance of the central contour of regulation. Conclusions: 1) spectral analysis of the heart rate indicates a marked increase in the stress of adaptive mechanisms with age in the cadets of the Cossack corps, which reflects increased physical, intellectual and psycho-emotional stress compared with schoolchildren; 2) spectral characteristics of heart rate variability can be used as sensitive markers of stress of physiological systems and a decrease in adaptive reserves.
Volgograd State Medical University
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
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