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2. Zakharova O.V. Novyy metod formirovaniya upravlyayushchikh vozdekstviy dlya PID regulyatora [New Method of Formation of Control Actions for PID Controller]. Sovremennye naukoemkiye tekhnologii [Modern High Technologies], 2015, no. 12-4, pp. 595-600., Zakharova O.V. Novyy metod formirovaniya upravlyayushchikh vozdekstviy dlya PID regulyatora [New Method of Formation of Control Actions for PID Controller]. Sovremennye naukoemkiye tekhnologii [Modern High Technologies], 2015, no. 12-4, pp. 595-600.
3. Zver'kov V.P. and Petrochenko Yu.N. Sistemy avtomaticheskogo upravleniya dinamicheskimi ob’ektami s PID-regulyatorom v rezhime normal'noy ekspluatatsii [Dynamic Objects Automatic Control Systems with PID-regulator at Normal Operation Mode]. Novoe v rossiyskoy elektroenergetike [New in the Russian Power Industry], 2017, no. 4, pp. 25-36., Zver'kov V.P. and Petrochenko Yu.N. Sistemy avtomaticheskogo upravleniya dinamicheskimi ob’ektami s PID-regulyatorom v rezhime normal'noy ekspluatatsii [Dynamic Objects Automatic Control Systems with PID-regulator at Normal Operation Mode]. Novoe v rossiyskoy elektroenergetike [New in the Russian Power Industry], 2017, no. 4, pp. 25-36.
4. Makarova N.V., Nemchinova E.A., and Pyreseva O.S. Analiz raboty sistemy avtomaticheskogo upravleniya s PID-regulyatorom [Analysis of the Automatic Control System with PID Controller]. APRIORI. Estestvennyye i tekhnicheskiye nauki [APRIORI. Natural and Technical Sciences], 2016, no. 6, p. 20., Makarova N.V., Nemchinova E.A., and Pyreseva O.S. Analiz raboty sistemy avtomaticheskogo upravleniya s PID-regulyatorom [Analysis of the Automatic Control System with PID Controller]. APRIORI. Estestvennyye i tekhnicheskiye nauki [APRIORI. Natural and Technical Sciences], 2016, no. 6, p. 20.
5. Mezhakov O.G. and Sklyarov A.A. PID-regulyator ponizhayushchego preobrazovatelya napryazheniya [PID-regulator of the Lowering Voltage Converter]. Molodoy uchenyy [Young Scientist], 2015, no. 10(90), pp. 257-261., Mezhakov O.G. and Sklyarov A.A. PID-regulyator ponizhayushchego preobrazovatelya napryazheniya [PID-regulator of the Lowering Voltage Converter]. Molodoy uchenyy [Young Scientist], 2015, no. 10(90), pp. 257-261.