
Pachkin Sergey,Pachkin Sergey1,Kotlyarov Roman,Kotlyarov Roman1


1. Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology (University)


One of the main tasks solved in the development of automatic control systems is the identification of the control object, which consists in obtaining its mathematical description. The nature and type of the mathematical model is determined by the goals and tasks for which it will be used. In the present case, the aim of obtaining the model is the synthesis of an automatic control system. Proceeding from the requirements of control problems, the identification problem consists in determining the structure and parameters of the mathematical model that ensure the best similarity of the model and object responses to the same input action. The article considers the experimental method of obtaining a mathematical description of the control object based on the results of measuring its input and output parameters and then processing the obtained results. The control object is the EP10 emulator made by the Oven Company, which is a miniature furnace. The emulator is used in experimental research in the process of commissioning using thermostat controls, and also applicable for educational purposes as part of training and research stands. As a result of structural identification with subsequent adjustment of the coefficients with the help of parametric identification, a model of the control object in the form of a second order aperiodic link is obtained. Parameters and type of the mathematical model allowed to make calculations and determine the parameters of adjustment of the TRM251 PID-controller. The software implementation of the automatic control system in the MatLAB environment made it possible to evaluate transient processes in a closed system. Thus, the calculation and analysis of the automatic control system in the first approximation were made. The final result can be obtained at the stage of commissioning the automatic temperature control system in the EP10 emulator using adaptation algorithms.


Kemerovo State University

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