1. mardin artuklu üniversitesi
The automotive sector, where the highest foreign investments are made in the world, plays a critical role in the economic development of countries. The reason why the automotive sector is the locomotive in the development of national economies is that it has strong ties with other industrial branches of the economy in the production process. Therefore, the sector is seen as a strategic development tool by governments. Therefore, supporting the sector through various incentives or direct public capital is a long-standing development policy.
In this study, the development stages of Turkey's automotive industry, the policies pursued by the state to strengthen the automotive industry, and other factors that contributed to the development of Turkey's automotive industry are examined specifically through Turkey's two domestic automobile initiatives (Devrim and Togg). In line with the aim of the research, studies on the automotive sector in Turkey from the Ottoman period to the present have been analyzed. In particular, a detailed literature review was conducted with the studies on Turkey's first domestic automobile initiative, Devrim cars. The resource dependency theory, which is considered to be related to the subject of the study, was examined and then the relationship between the state and the business world in Turkey was briefly summarized. Finally, the role of the state in Turkey's domestic automobile initiatives (Devrim and Togg) was analyzed.
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