1. EASD (European Association of Securities Dealers) (2000), Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations, May 2000, EASD, available on line at http://www.easd.com
2. Fox, M.B. and Heller, M.A. (2000), “Corporate governance lessons from Russian enterprise fiascos”, New York University Law Review, Vol. 75, pp. 1721‐78.
3. IMF (International Monetary Fund) (2000), Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes, available on line at http://worldbank.org, ROSC web‐site.
4. McKinsey and Company (2002), “A premium for good governance” by Newell, R. and Wilson, G. (Eds), McKinsey Quarterly 2002, No. 3, available on line at http://www.mckinsey.com
5. TI (Transparency International) (2001, 2002), Corruption Perception Index Reports, 2001 and 2002, Paris, available on line at http://www.transparency.org/cpi