1. Communal Institution of Higher Education «Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education» of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council»
The article analyzes the readiness of teachers for innovative methodical work. It is noted that the traditional system of organizing methodical work in secondary schools does not fully satisfy the requirements of modern new education, the focus of which is determined by teacher preparation for pedagogical activities in the context of the New Ukrainian School. The context of the state policy and strategy for the development of education in Ukraine focuses on a new understanding of methodical work as an important factor in the implementation of the "New Ukrainian School" concept. The tendency of demand by society for innovations in education is increasing, which necessitates the development of fundamentally new approaches to the interaction of pedagogical science and practice, the introduction of modern technologies of methodical management. The content of the experimental program for the training of managers and teachers for the innovative organization of methodical work at NUS was revealed. It is noted that the theoretical and methodological basis in the development of the experimental program was a system-structural approach to determining its content. The program reflects all the main ideas and features of methodical work at the National University of Higher Education, takes into account pedagogical culture in the management of the teaching staff, reveals the essence of management, organization, control and correction of methodical work; principles of innovative pedagogy; specifics of the educational institution; the content of the training course on mastering a sufficient level of computer use. The data collected during the experiment show that the technology of innovative organization of methodical work has its own logic, orients to a certain goal, tasks and stages of learning. Moreover, two lines interact in the organization of methodical work: one – in the logic of ensuring professional training of managers for the innovative organization ьof methodical work, which includes the ethics of service relations, the identification of "real" management problems in resolving conflicts that accompany any labor team; the other is traced within the framework of specific educational activities of teachers regarding the assimilation of the content of innovative learning technology.
Communal Institution of Higher Education, “DNIPRO Academy of Continuing Education”
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