Kozhasheva Gulnar,Maltekbassov Marat,Baidildinov Talgat,Sakhipov Aivar,Gavrilova Yekaterina
The relevance of the study was explained by the fact that the support of management of the distance learning information processes is associated with the problem of effective allocation of system resources used upon transferring and processing of educational information. The purpose of this study is a comprehensive analysis and development of the principles of developing an electronic portal for the system for continuous education. In the work, the authors used general methods of generalization and systematization, as well as the method of mathematical calculations. 150 teachers of secondary and higher primary schools took part in the calculations. The results of the calculations made it possible to confirm the need to use distance learning technologies with blockchain elements in educational institutions. The use of blockchain technologies for the implementation of an electronic portal can increase the motivation of students and teachers, facilitating work in the learning process.
Keywords: continuous education, distance learning, blockchain, electronic portal, automation of learning.
Birlesik Dunya Yenilik Arastirma ve Yayincilik Merkezi
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