Comparison of the length of the braking tracks of a freight train with single-pipe and double-tube power supply of the braking system


Osipov Dmitry1ORCID,Ivanov Pavel1ORCID,Hamnaeva Alena1,Pronin Konstantin1ORCID


1. Irkutsk State Transport University


Objective: to perform a comparative analysis of the length of the braking distance of a freight train with a single-pipe and two-pipe brake system supply. Based on the laboratory studies carried out, to identify the effect of the speed and amount of filling of brake cylinders on the calculated braking distance of freight rolling stock when using brake systems with two-pipe and single-pipe supply of a spare tank. These studies are aimed at improving the technical speed and safety of freight trains, as well as improving the efficiency of the braking system during cyclic braking, in order to reduce its depletion. Methods: analysis of the filling rate of the brake cylinders, in order to determine the time of preparation of the brakes for action, depending on the method of organizing the power supply of the brake system; comparison of the length of the preparatory and actual braking distance according to the method of speed intervals proposed in the Rules of traction calculations. It was also assumed that the train was braking to a complete stop on a straight horizontal section of the track, with air leaks from the brake cylinders throughout the train. Results: it was revealed that a two-pipe braking system allows to develop a significantly greater braking effect than a singlepipe braking system with a similar technical condition of the pneumatic train system. As a result, with the new method of powering the reserve tank, there is a significant reduction in the time required to prepare the brakes for action, as well as a reduction in the length of the full braking distance. Practical significance: it has been proven that the use of a new braking system will improve the efficiency of the braking system, which leads to a reduction in braking distance. This, in turn, will improve the safety and speed of trains along the sections, as well as increase the average weight of trains.


Petersburg State Transport University

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