1. Amegard, R. J. & Comstock, J. R. (1991). Multi-attribute task battery: Applications in pilot workload and strategic behavior research. Paper presented at the Sixth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH.
2. Billings, C. E. (1991). Human-centered aircraft automation: A concept and guidelines. (NASA Tech. Mem. No. 103885). Moffett Field, CA: NASA Ames Research Center.
3. Comtock, J. R. & Amegard, R. J. (1990). Multi-attribute task battery [Computer program]. Langley, VA: NASA Langley Research Center.
4. Psychophysical Determinants of Stress in Sustained Attention
5. Complex Task Performance as a Basis for Developing Cognitive Engineering Guidelines in Adaptive Automation