1. Barton, K.C. (1993, November). History is more than story: Expanding the boundaries of elementary learning. Paper presented to the College and University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies, Nashville.
2. Barton, K.C. (1996). Narrative simplifications in elementary children's historical understanding. In J. Brophy (Ed.), Advances in research on teaching (Vol. 6; pp. 51-83). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
3. Barton, K.C. (1997b). "I just kinda know": Elementary students' ideas about historical evidence. Theory and Research in Social Education, 25, 407-430.
4. Barton, K.C. (1998a, April). "That's a tricky piece!": Children's understanding of historical time in Northern Ireland. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego.