1. MMPIF scale as an indicator of severity of psychopathology
2. Butcher, J. (Ed.) MMPI: Research developments and clinical applications. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969.
3. Butcher, J. W. & Pancheri, P. Handbook of cross narional MMPYresearch. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1976.
4. Carson, R. C. Interpretative manual to the MFVIPI. In J. N. Butcher (Ed.), MMPI: Research developments and clinical applications. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969.
5. Dahlstrom, W. G. & Dahlstrom, L. (Eds.)Basrc readings on the MMPI: A new selection onpersonalrtymeasurement. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1980.